We'll tell you when we can't help.
We're not pretending to be big-shot commercial brokers. They're out there, and many are great, but it's just not who we are. However, we've found that those folks handling the 25 million dollar deals, just don't have the time/capacity or desire to work on the 1-5mil projects. That's where we come in.
Tekamar has 40+ years of brokering small to mid-cap commercial and agricultural projects. Commercial is an entirely different beast than residential. Different lenders, different timelines and of course an entirely different way of evaluating deals. It's not as simple as walking in the door to your local bank and asking for a 2 million dollar loan to buy a 12-unit apartment. We work with a number of institutional lenders, as well as over 20 alternative lenders in BC and that gives us an advantage over DIY rate shopping that we can usually get you a big enough discount to both justify our fees and still save you money. If we can't, we won't take it on, so it really doesn't hurt to ask!
You mentioned Ag?
One of our company owners grew up raising chickens as an allowance. His dad was a veterinarian and his grandparents on both sides owned farms. Ag runs deep at Tekamar. We've brokered dozens of farm deals from bare land new operations to 250 head dairy operations. Heck, we've even lent (not brokered, but lent our own internal funds) on a bison farm. If you feel like your banker isn't meeting your needs, or doesn't fully understand your business, give us a call and give us a chance to impress you. A phone call is free and it just might save you thousands.